Sunday, May 2, 2010

I've Returned to Chicks!

After leaving Buffalo county when there was still snow on the ground and spending the beginning of spring in the Windy City, my family and I returned to the lush green of Tatanka Bluffs where we encountered the excitement-producing bluebird nests. (Thanks to Hybrid Birder for monitoring while we were away.) We have enjoyed our last two years of participating in the Bluebird Restoration Association of Wisconsin (BRAW) monitoring of bluebird nests boxes and are happy to see more nest boxes going up and this public reporting of the current data.

We rarely find the empty shells. This was under the nestbox.

Box 3: last egg in hatching mode on 4/29

Friday's afternoon rain brought us a nice picture. We almost reached the elusive pot of gold.

May 1, 2010:
Box 1: down
Box 2: 5 warm bluebird eggs
Box 3: 4 chicks (hatched 4/30)
Box 4: 3 chicks; removed 2 nonviable eggs - 1 with hole in egg; chicks hatched ~4/29
Box 5: down
Box 6: empty